Friday, October 28, 2011

Dice Rolling Deity

     I agree with Robert G. Brown when he states in his “The Pandeist Theorem,” that "If God exists, then God is identical to the Universe. That is, the theorem is a statement of conditional pandeism. If God exists at all, God must be absolutely everything that exists.” It is the only theory of God which makes sense to me. God, which I will hereafter refer to as the Deity and will represent that Being which existed prior to the universe (or multiverse if you prefer), is not to be viewed as identical with the Person of the Judeo-Christian paradigm in the sense that this Being was not perfect, did not know all, was not all-powerful, and not even necessarily all “good,” whatever this term means. There is very little, in fact, that one could know about this Being. One thing that can be surmised is that, if it is true that Deity became the universe there must have been some perceived lack within this Being that it was thought only becoming the universe would resolve.

     There are a few theories about this. Of course none can be really true or false since there is no way to test any of them; but the one I favor is that Deity became the universe for the experience. It is the difference between being an observer and being an actor. To truly know and understand something one must become immersed, and, were I powerful enough to do it, it would make sense to make that immersion complete in one spectacular roll of the dice.


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