Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sic semper tyrannis

I was moved to pity when I saw how Ghadafi was treated just before he died. I know who he was and what he was guilty of. I know that those who have lived in Libya under his regime have pain and hate and anger that I, who have lived in pampered comfort in the United States, can’t even fathom. I won’t say their feelings that led them to do these things that I’ve witnessed on video were unjustified. I can only say what I felt when I saw Ghadafi’s last moments. I saw a scared, confused, bloodied and bruised human being who had been chased into hiding in a drain pipe apparently begging for mercy. I felt sorry for him.  I don’t know why. He didn’t give pity or mercy to others, but I wished it had been shown to him. I guess I just don't like cruelty no matter who's doing it. That’s all I have to say.

1 comment:

  1. I felt something similar about Saddam Hussein. Still, I can't say I was sorry to see him go. And I feel vaguely disturbed to feel that way.
